Külső magassága tetővel együtt: kb. 18 cm ; belső mélysége: kb. 16 cm. belső átmérő: kb. 9 cm ; külső átmérő kb. 10,5 cm
Űrtartalom: 750 ml
The cork at the bottom of the product serves both a protective and decorative function.
A termék kívül kővédő bevonattal van lekezelve.
Tisztítása enyhén nedves törlőruhával ajánlott! Ne tegyük mosogatógépbe!
During the casting process, air bubbles are formed, so the surface is not completely smooth. This makes each piece even more unique and rustic. The photos clearly show most of the surface, these are not quality defects - if you need more photos before ordering, I will be happy to send them. In the case of colored, painted pieces, the colors shown on the screen may differ slightly from reality. The flower pots are sold empty, the other objects in the picture are just decoration.